The museum


Welcome to the website of the first chocolate moulds museum. Situated in the scenic surroundings near the Teutoburger forest, the museum is housed in the restored barn of a cottage of 1794 – 1864.

Visitors and school groups are invited to visit the museum only after previous notification. You have the chance to see rare and unique antique chocolate moulds from the last centuries made by the most famous chocolate moulds manufacturers at the time, of which some still exist today. A film showing the chocolate origins and processing as well as practical tests with chocolate will make your visit complete.

The persons and companies that have supported and promoted the chocolate moulds museum will be made known to you. These companies and promoters are also mentioned in our website. Become a „Museum’s Friend“ yourself and contact us.

You have the possibility to acquire or order some exclusive products as well. The Museum’s website offers a range of products as well as chocolate moulds and accessories not only for confectioners but also for the domestic use.

You will be offered chocolate items, either hollow or massive figures for decoration, made in historical chocolate moulds.

Try to find the secret behind the production of our antique chocolate moulds and receive a small chocolate present.

Thank you for visiting our website. It would be a pleasure to welcome you to our private chocolate moulds museum.

Sincerely yours,

The Wolf Family

La-Domaine-358 Haus 092